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What verbal reminders are helpful prompts for students before sitting an assessment using ExamSoft?
1. Scrap paper is available if you need to jot down ideas to organize your thoughts when answering a question.
You must hand in this scrap paper at the end of the CAE.
2. To help avoid any errors, I recommend that you temporarily disable your anti-virus software and quit all other applications before starting the assessment.
3. Please be patient once you enter the password to start the assessment:
When Examplify creates the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 3 minutes to be able to start responding to questions.
Don’t Worry: Your time to begin writing the assessment does not begin until you are able to start reading the first question.
4. At the end of the assessment, please be patient as you submit the CAE and exit the program.
When Examplify concludes the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 5 minutes for this process to be completed.
A green screen will confirm that your assessment has been successfully submitted.
Note: Examplify attempts to upload your assessment responses automatically but sometimes does so before an internet connection has been established. If Examplify displays a gold screen with an error message, wait until you have an internet connection, then click the button to re-submit your assessment responses.
Featured Solutions
What verbal reminders are helpful prompts for students before sitting an assessment using ExamSoft?
1. Scrap paper is available if you need to jot down ideas to organize your thoughts when answering a question.
You must hand in this scrap paper at the end of the CAE.
2. To help avoid any errors, I recommend that you temporarily disable your anti-virus software and quit all other applications before starting the assessment.
3. Please be patient once you enter the password to start the assessment:
When Examplify creates the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 3 minutes to be able to start responding to questions.
Don’t Worry: Your time to begin writing the assessment does not begin until you are able to start reading the first question.
4. At the end of the assessment, please be patient as you submit the CAE and exit the program.
When Examplify concludes the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 5 minutes for this process to be completed.
A green screen will confirm that your assessment has been successfully submitted.
Note: Examplify attempts to upload your assessment responses automatically but sometimes does so before an internet connection has been established. If Examplify displays a gold screen with an error message, wait until you have an internet connection, then click the button to re-submit your assessment responses.
Frequently Asked
What verbal reminders are helpful prompts for students before sitting an assessment using ExamSoft?
1. Scrap paper is available if you need to jot down ideas to organize your thoughts when answering a question.
You must hand in this scrap paper at the end of the CAE.
2. To help avoid any errors, I recommend that you temporarily disable your anti-virus software and quit all other applications before starting the assessment.
3. Please be patient once you enter the password to start the assessment:
When Examplify creates the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 3 minutes to be able to start responding to questions.
Don’t Worry: Your time to begin writing the assessment does not begin until you are able to start reading the first question.
4. At the end of the assessment, please be patient as you submit the CAE and exit the program.
When Examplify concludes the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 5 minutes for this process to be completed.
A green screen will confirm that your assessment has been successfully submitted.
Note: Examplify attempts to upload your assessment responses automatically but sometimes does so before an internet connection has been established. If Examplify displays a gold screen with an error message, wait until you have an internet connection, then click the button to re-submit your assessment responses.
What verbal reminders are helpful prompts for students before sitting an assessment using ExamSoft?
1. Scrap paper is available if you need to jot down ideas to organize your thoughts when answering a question.
You must hand in this scrap paper at the end of the CAE.
2. To help avoid any errors, I recommend that you temporarily disable your anti-virus software and quit all other applications before starting the assessment.
3. Please be patient once you enter the password to start the assessment:
When Examplify creates the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 3 minutes to be able to start responding to questions.
Don’t Worry: Your time to begin writing the assessment does not begin until you are able to start reading the first question.
4. At the end of the assessment, please be patient as you submit the CAE and exit the program.
When Examplify concludes the secure test-taking environment on your laptop, it is normal to have to wait between 30 seconds up to 5 minutes for this process to be completed.
A green screen will confirm that your assessment has been successfully submitted.
Note: Examplify attempts to upload your assessment responses automatically but sometimes does so before an internet connection has been established. If Examplify displays a gold screen with an error message, wait until you have an internet connection, then click the button to re-submit your assessment responses.