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  I cannot fast forward or scan to later in the lecture

This will often happen when you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer on PC. Installing the plugin for some browsers will make the video play, but often, you will not be able to skip forward or backward through the lecture. Clicking somewhere else in the progress bar or attempting to move the slider along the progress bar will result in the presentation starting back from the beginning. This is because the .xml timing document in the presentation is only compatible with Internet Explorer on PC.

It is recommended that you instead, use Internet Explorer to view the archived lectures. This will avoid these potential problems.

Featured Solutions

  I cannot fast forward or scan to later in the lecture

This will often happen when you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer on PC. Installing the plugin for some browsers will make the video play, but often, you will not be able to skip forward or backward through the lecture. Clicking somewhere else in the progress bar or attempting to move the slider along the progress bar will result in the presentation starting back from the beginning. This is because the .xml timing document in the presentation is only compatible with Internet Explorer on PC.

It is recommended that you instead, use Internet Explorer to view the archived lectures. This will avoid these potential problems.

Frequently Asked

  I cannot fast forward or scan to later in the lecture

This will often happen when you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer on PC. Installing the plugin for some browsers will make the video play, but often, you will not be able to skip forward or backward through the lecture. Clicking somewhere else in the progress bar or attempting to move the slider along the progress bar will result in the presentation starting back from the beginning. This is because the .xml timing document in the presentation is only compatible with Internet Explorer on PC.

It is recommended that you instead, use Internet Explorer to view the archived lectures. This will avoid these potential problems.


  I cannot fast forward or scan to later in the lecture

This will often happen when you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer on PC. Installing the plugin for some browsers will make the video play, but often, you will not be able to skip forward or backward through the lecture. Clicking somewhere else in the progress bar or attempting to move the slider along the progress bar will result in the presentation starting back from the beginning. This is because the .xml timing document in the presentation is only compatible with Internet Explorer on PC.

It is recommended that you instead, use Internet Explorer to view the archived lectures. This will avoid these potential problems.