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  Finding the lecture you want to view

Lectures are generally available in two places on medportal, with a few minor exceptions. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer on PC, or you have installed the appropriate plugins/applications before viewing lectures in medportal. You can find more information here.

The two places you will find lectures in medportal are:

  1. For undergrad LGS lectures, they can be found very quickly and easily on our LGS page as follows:
    • In your medportal undergrad home page, click the MF that the lecture you are looking for took place in.
    • The second link in the corresponding list will be "MFX LGS". Click this link.
    • Search through the list of available lectures, and when you find the one you want, click the blue "view" button.
  2. For all lectures, they can be found by searching our catalog as follows:
    • From anywhere within medportal, click the "archived talks" icon (little guy preserved and floating in a jar - don't worry, he's fine).
    • Look at the top right of the Lecture catalog screen. If you see "Welcome: Guest", you will need to click "sign in" to the right of it.
    • After clicking sign in, you should see "Welcome: <your username>" instead of "Welcome: Guest".
    • You may then browse our catalog, once signed in. You can search in our catalog using the "Search Text:" field.
    • It is recommended you search either by topic or presenter. Searching by other criteria will not be as effective.

Featured Solutions

  Finding the lecture you want to view

Lectures are generally available in two places on medportal, with a few minor exceptions. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer on PC, or you have installed the appropriate plugins/applications before viewing lectures in medportal. You can find more information here.

The two places you will find lectures in medportal are:

  1. For undergrad LGS lectures, they can be found very quickly and easily on our LGS page as follows:
    • In your medportal undergrad home page, click the MF that the lecture you are looking for took place in.
    • The second link in the corresponding list will be "MFX LGS". Click this link.
    • Search through the list of available lectures, and when you find the one you want, click the blue "view" button.
  2. For all lectures, they can be found by searching our catalog as follows:
    • From anywhere within medportal, click the "archived talks" icon (little guy preserved and floating in a jar - don't worry, he's fine).
    • Look at the top right of the Lecture catalog screen. If you see "Welcome: Guest", you will need to click "sign in" to the right of it.
    • After clicking sign in, you should see "Welcome: <your username>" instead of "Welcome: Guest".
    • You may then browse our catalog, once signed in. You can search in our catalog using the "Search Text:" field.
    • It is recommended you search either by topic or presenter. Searching by other criteria will not be as effective.

Frequently Asked

  Finding the lecture you want to view

Lectures are generally available in two places on medportal, with a few minor exceptions. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer on PC, or you have installed the appropriate plugins/applications before viewing lectures in medportal. You can find more information here.

The two places you will find lectures in medportal are:

  1. For undergrad LGS lectures, they can be found very quickly and easily on our LGS page as follows:
    • In your medportal undergrad home page, click the MF that the lecture you are looking for took place in.
    • The second link in the corresponding list will be "MFX LGS". Click this link.
    • Search through the list of available lectures, and when you find the one you want, click the blue "view" button.
  2. For all lectures, they can be found by searching our catalog as follows:
    • From anywhere within medportal, click the "archived talks" icon (little guy preserved and floating in a jar - don't worry, he's fine).
    • Look at the top right of the Lecture catalog screen. If you see "Welcome: Guest", you will need to click "sign in" to the right of it.
    • After clicking sign in, you should see "Welcome: <your username>" instead of "Welcome: Guest".
    • You may then browse our catalog, once signed in. You can search in our catalog using the "Search Text:" field.
    • It is recommended you search either by topic or presenter. Searching by other criteria will not be as effective.


  Finding the lecture you want to view

Lectures are generally available in two places on medportal, with a few minor exceptions. Make sure that you are using Internet Explorer on PC, or you have installed the appropriate plugins/applications before viewing lectures in medportal. You can find more information here.

The two places you will find lectures in medportal are:

  1. For undergrad LGS lectures, they can be found very quickly and easily on our LGS page as follows:
    • In your medportal undergrad home page, click the MF that the lecture you are looking for took place in.
    • The second link in the corresponding list will be "MFX LGS". Click this link.
    • Search through the list of available lectures, and when you find the one you want, click the blue "view" button.
  2. For all lectures, they can be found by searching our catalog as follows:
    • From anywhere within medportal, click the "archived talks" icon (little guy preserved and floating in a jar - don't worry, he's fine).
    • Look at the top right of the Lecture catalog screen. If you see "Welcome: Guest", you will need to click "sign in" to the right of it.
    • After clicking sign in, you should see "Welcome: <your username>" instead of "Welcome: Guest".
    • You may then browse our catalog, once signed in. You can search in our catalog using the "Search Text:" field.
    • It is recommended you search either by topic or presenter. Searching by other criteria will not be as effective.